Discuss how self-efficacy, self-worth, and anxiety affects motivation?

[i]We all have a sense of self. Whether that sense of self is positive or negative is based upon our experiences in life and our perceptions and assessment of ourself. If our self assessment was always accurate, I would have no need to write this article. However, the problem is that our perception of ourself is often distorted.

Previous experiences can distort this perception. For instance, a person growing up in a perfectionistic family may view herself as always falling short of the expectations of the family. As a result, no matter how successful she might be, she thinks of herself as a failure.

Or a boy who is constantly picked on by his older brothers: “How stupid!” or “What a dork!” He may come to believe these labels about himself. Unfortunately, people who believe certain labels will often live up, or live down, to those labels. The labels can create a self-fulfilling prophecy of expectation. He expects himself to be stupid so he never tries to prove otherwise.

Therefore, Self-efficacy, self-worth, and anxiety are all key factors in motivation.

How does one’s belief about nature of intelligence affect motivational approaches to learning?

If a person believes that he is capable of accomplishing the task – he will do it. But if the person thinks that he can’t accomplish the task, in his head he has convinced himself that it is not worth the trouble to even try.